Numerous studies have already proven the many benefits that gardening could give us. Aside from boosting your physical and mental well-being, gardening also improves the look of your yard. And who doesn’t like to prepare foods or put flowers on your vase that came straight from your garden?
However, gardening is not sunshine and rainbows. You also have to keep watch of its number one enemy which are the wild and domestic animals. The best way to protect your garden against these animals is to install a fence.
What is the best fence for your garden?
The flowers and vegetables in your garden are eye candy to critters; and a hungry animal will always try its hardest to get through any barrier. The best fence for your garden depends on what animals you are protecting it from. So the first thing you need to consider is the size of your enemy.
Fence for Large Animals
The deer have become a common trespasser in many properties in the US these days. This is because of the overpopulation of deer in the country which resulted in a decrease of their food supplies. And if you get so unlucky, you might also encounter elk, moose and other large animals in your garden. To keep them away from your place, install at least an 8-foot-high fence to make sure that they wouldn’t be able to penetrate the area in case they try to jump on it. Installing a wooden fence will work for these types of animals. Or you can also opt for lightweight materials such as nylon or wire netting. Just make sure that the boards or poles are solid enough to support the tall fence.
Fence for Small Animals
If you think that smaller animals are less dangerous than large animals, then you are mistaken. The problem with smaller animals is that they can be very sly and can easily slip through the fence especially the burrowing kinds like the rabbits, skunks, and groundhogs. And once they have penetrated your garden, it will become a huge battle to keep them out of your garden plot.
The best thing to deal with small critters is to install a solid and concrete base to make sure that they wouldn’t be able to access your garden even if they burrow. Or perhaps a wire that is buried at least 2 feet wide below the ground. A wire mesh of 2 inches in size or a chain link are good options for fences to discourage small animals.
Climbers and jumpers
So you thought that your garden is already well protected just because you have installed a fence with a footing that is buried deep into the ground. Well, wait till you see a raccoon, or your pet cat, climb on a tree and jump right into your lovely flowers and vegetables.
To deal with these pesky animals, installing a fence with a complete enclosure is the only solution available. You can install a wooden fence and a roof of mesh to make sure that they wouldn’t be able to reach your garden despite their climbing techniques.